Helpdesk Training Article
My login details don’t work
Make sure you are using your ID number (found on your confirmation of entry) and the password you set when you first registered (this is not the same as your secret number).
I have been locked out of the system
If you try to log in using the incorrect password 3 consecutive times, your account will be locked, and you will get an error message: "This account has been locked. Please try again in 30 minutes."
After 30 minutes, please clear your cookies and cache through your browser history settings, or by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Del, before trying to log in again.
I have forgotten my password
If you forgot your password, you can click the Forgotten your password? link and an email will be sent to the address you entered when you registered. Please check your spam/junk folders, too.
I no longer have access to the email address I registered with
If you are unsure which email address you used or don’t have access to the email address you used to register, please contact your exam centre. Your exam centre can provide you with a copy of your results or they can get in touch with the Cambridge English Helpdesk to request a full reset of your account.
I don’t know how to contact my exam centre
You can find contact details for exam centres here.
My exam centre is closed
If you cannot contact your exam centre, for example because they are closed for holidays, please contact us, and provide us with the following information:
- Your full name
- Which exam you took and the date you took it
- The name of the centre you took the exam at
- Your ID Number and secret number.
This information can be found on your confirmation of entry document.
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