Working with Cambridge English
Information about the different ways in which you or your institution can work with us, such as becoming a centre, a preparation centre or an examiner. There is also a link to our careers page where you can find our list of current vacancies.
Becoming an examination centre
Working with us - becoming a centre
Information for schools and institutions who want to offer Cambridge English exams If you would like to offer Cambridge English exams at ...
Approval criteria for exam centres
We take into account a range of criteria when considering applications for new centres. Some criteria are global, and some will vary by r...
Centre application process
Centre approval process Any institution wanting to become a Cambridge English exam centre must undergo our approval process. This helps u...
Centre approval enquiries
If you wish to enquire about becoming a centre, please contact your local Cambridge office. If you are already an authorised Cambridge E...
Information for applying centres
Applying to be a centre
Introduction These articles explain the steps and requirements for becoming a Cambridge English exam centre. In addition to the informati...
Centre Registration Handbook Checklist
This checklist helps guide you through key points of signing up to be a centre. Use this throughout the process to help you ensure you ha...
What is a Centre Exams Manager?
All centres must nominate a named Centre Exams Manager (CEM). This person is the key contact for Cambridge English for all matters relati...
Costs and finance
It’s important that you consider the costs of setting up and running a centre when preparing your application. Click here for guidance an...
Marketing and growth
Marketing Our centres are expected to grow the number of candidates year on year and increase access to our exams. Expected growth rates...
Customer service
We expect all our centres to deliver exceptional customer service to candidates and preparation centres. We provide training modules for ...