Pretesting - IELTS Resources
Please find below a selection of Trial Testing Resources to help you administer your IELTS Trial Tests. IELTS Trial Test Delivery Handboo...
Pretesting - Candidate register form
Once you have administered the Pretest materials, please complete the candidate register by downloading the attached Excel document below...
Pretesting Centre - Change of Details
Please use the form below to notify us of any changes to your details. If you're a live Cambridge English Centre, please use the change ...
Pretesting Centre Approval Form
Please use the below form to request approval to become a Pretesting centre. Online Form - Pretesting Institution Approval Form
Pretest Paper Request Form
Request pretests Thank you for your interest in the following paper-based scheduled and on demand Pretesting: For Schools Pretests (A2 ...
Pretest Paper Request Form - IELTS
Thank you for your interest in pretesting the IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training Tests. Please request pretest papers using the on...
Pretesting Documentation
Useful documents for those offering Cambridge English pretests.