Helpdesk Training Article
Frequently asked questions
1) How does the Funded Research Programme work?
Projects under the Funded Research Programme last for one year. Successful applicants will be notified after the panel has made its decision on which projects to fund. Research Funding Agreements will then be issued. Researchers are required to submit an interim report of approximately 3000–5000 words and a final report of approximately 5000–8000 words. The deadlines for these reports, and other details, will be specified in the Research Funding Agreement.
2) Who is eligible for funding?
This funding programme is open to any academic researcher, either independent or affiliated with an institution. PhD and Masters’ students are not eligible. There are no geographical restrictions on where the research takes place.
3) Can someone who has received funding in a previous round apply again?
4) Can I submit more than one proposal?
Yes, an individual or institution can submit up to two proposals. The application form needs to be completed in full for each one.
5) What does the Research Funding Agreement cover?
Successful applicants will sign a Research Funding Agreement with the University of Cambridge, since Cambridge Assessment is a department of the university. The agreement sets out the terms for the project and administration of the funding, including:
- funding arrangements
- timetable, including the interim report and the final report
- scope of research
- ethical guidelines
- security of data and materials
- Cambridge Assessment English must be offered for comment a copy of all articles/papers based on funded research before they are submitted for publication
- IP rights and exploitation
6) Will Cambridge Assessment English provide data, or should researchers collect their own data?
In some cases Cambridge Assessment English may be able to provide data or other materials. This depends on the nature and amount of data requested. Before filling in this part of the application form, please look on our website for publicly available data and materials, including reliability data, grade statistics and sample test materials. See also Important notes for applicants.
We are not able to provide data/materials such as: statistics on exam candidates’ socio-economic status, information on schools that offer preparation for our tests, introductions or access to schools or teachers, or statistical data about our tests beyond what is publicly available.
7) How much funding should I ask for?
The maximum amount of funding for a project is GBP 13,000. The budget must be explained and justified, in Section 4 of the application form. Budgets must be reasonable and not excessive.
If your salary from your institution is not connected to external research funding or grants, you should normally not include staff costs in your budget request. However, if your institution uses external research funding or grants to pay salaries, please do include a daily rate for each researcher and support staff as appropriate.
8) What can I include in the Budget section?
You can include staff costs (number of days for each named researcher or research assistant at the relevant institutional rate, including overheads if appropriate); travel (in-country; overseas travel is not covered); and resources (expensive items such as PCs or printers are not covered).
9) Can research funds be allocated to a senior colleague if they have no direct involvement in the research?
Yes. Please put the senior researcher as Researcher 1 (Lead Researcher) and add the other researchers as Researcher 2, 3, etc.
10) Can I recruit research assistants after obtaining the grant?
Yes. In Section 3 (Budget), please indicate the number of Research Assistants and the number of days of their work that will be required in the Budget section.
11) Who administers the research funding?
The research funding is paid to the Lead Researcher's institution (or directly to the researcher, if they have no affiliation) and is usually administered by the institution’s grant office or the equivalent. The Lead Researcher or their institution is responsible for allocating the funding as required.
12) What are the requirements for publication or presentation of the research findings?
Cambridge Assessment English requires acknowledgement of its support in any publication or presentation based on the research. It also requires be offered for comment a copy of all papers before publication or presentation.
13) Who owns the intellectual property produced by the funded research?
Intellectual property rights and rights to exploit the research will be covered by the Research Funding Agreement. Cambridge Assessment English will have the right to make use of the interim and final reports, including publishing them and using them for marketing purposes.
14) Are the IELTS exams included in this funding programme?
No. Researchers interested in undertaking research related to IELTS should apply to the IELTS Funded Research Programme
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