Helpdesk Training Article
In this article you can find details of arrangements that are available to help candidates who have special requirements take the Cambridge English Qualifications Digital for young learners tests. If the candidate's requirements can not be met by the available options, they should take the paper-based exam as it offers a greater range of possible arrangements.
Extra time
Cambridge English Qualifications Digital for young learners tests are not timed within the test player. It is therefore possible to allow candidates with additional processing needs to take more time to complete the components. There is no requirement for you to apply for extra time, however, you will need to decide how you will manage candidates that require extra time on the test day.
Separate invigilation and supervised rest breaks
Both separate invigilation and supervised rest breaks can be requested. These arrangements need to be applied for in advance in Cambridge English for Centres.
Under certain circumstances we may consider an application for exemption from either the Listening or Speaking component. You will need to apply for this in advance in Cambridge English for Centres. When you have received approval from us, the invigilator can skip the Listening component on the test day, see Digital young learners: Skipping a component.
Modified Speaking tests
Candidates can ask to take the Speaking test in a single format and/or with modified material. These arrangements need to be applied for in Cambridge English for Centres before the test. There is a specific deadline for applying for modified materials, please make sure you check the schedule for the session in Cambridge English for Centres.
Other arrangements
Enlarged font size or different colour display settings are currently not available in Digital for young learners tests.
Candidates who require any arrangements not listed above should take the paper-based exam. For more general information about special arrangements, please see the Special Arrangements Booklet.
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