Helpdesk Training Article
This article shows how to launch and run a test for Cambridge English Qualifications Digital for young learners. You will need your candidate passwords ready, for further guidance on this, please see the Making bookings and managing entries article.
Steps 1 - 3 should be done by the Invigilator. Step 4 onwards should be done by the candidate.
1. Navigate to the DYL URL:
Click on Start a test.
2. Click Start to begin the device check.
3. The device resolution, browser and browser space is checked. If any do not succeed then it will display here.
If any fail, please refer to the Technical Requirements article and ensure the device used meets the requirements.
If all pass, click Next to continue.
The candidate should take over from this point.
4. You can now adjust the volume. Press the Play button then use the slider to raise or lower the volume. Once it's at a comfortable level, click Next to continue.
5. Click Next to continue.
6. Enter the 12 digit password, 4 digits in each box.
7. Once the password is entered, click OK to continue.
8. Check the correct name for the candidate appears. If it is correct click Yes, this is my name
If it is not the correct name this is likely because the incorrect password for this candidate has been entered, click No, this is not my name. This will take you back to enter the password again and the correct password can then be entered.
9. The test will now load. Click Start to begin.
10. You can now make a person to be in the test. Use the arrow keys to change the colour, then click to choose a hair style and clothes.
11. The Listening test will now load. Click Start Listening to begin.
Each part of the test will include an example of how to answer each question.
12. The Help icon can be clicked at any time for a reminder of how to answer the question.
13. Press the Escape key on your keyboard to pause the test. The volume level can be adjusted here if needed.
14. Press the arrow to continue the test.
15. As each part is done, the progress is tracked on the path.
16. After each part, a new item can be chosen for the test taker's person.
17. Once all parts are complete, the ending screen displays. Click OK to continue.
18. The end of the test screen appears to confirm the test is complete. You can now close the browser window.
19. If a browser pop-up appears warning you are leaving, click on Leave. Test responses have been saved and you can safely leave the site now.
Please note that the Digital young learners test will time out if not used for 30 minutes. If this happens, please re-enter the candidate's password and the test will resume from the last saved question.
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